Organization change is inevitable. New opportunities, new products, and new business initiatives are exciting endeavors that also signal change and disruption. Most of these change efforts require significant adjustments in how large numbers of people get work done. Change is never easy, and roughly 70% of change efforts fail or are derailed, which can lead to low productivity and morale, unmet expectations, wasted time and money, and increased employee turnover.
Leaders need the buy-in and commitment of the people who are being asked to change. Our research and real-world experience have shown that people go through predictable stages of concern during change. In addition, most change efforts are unsuccessful for predictable reasons. This predictability allows leaders to be proactive and minimize the risks associated with change.
Leading People Through Change® teaches leaders how to identify and address the typical stages of concern that employees go through, as well as how to use the appropriate strategy and behaviors to resolve the concerns. The model that is presented in this program can be applied to all types of change efforts, including mergers and acquisitions, business process reengineering, sales force expansion, and technology implementations.
Program Highlights
★ Understand why change often fails or goes off track
★ Positive effects on productivity and morale.
★ Increased “capacity to change” and an adaptive environment where change is effectively implemented on an ongoing basis.
★ The development of business-wide change leadership capabilities.
★ More buy-in and less time to achieve the desired performance.
★ Action plan to develop successful leadership for ongoing change
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Change management